A moda, é um começo eterno novamente? Esta primavera, é a influência hippie que se impõe: calças jeans , vestidos de tamanho XXL, bordados, flores, tye e flores. Então para 2008/2009 o que deve realmente bombar nos anos 70?
O jeans
Símbolo indisputável do tempo pasmo.
O jeans Flare (boca de sino) equilibra melhor a silueta aumentando pouco a pouco na aréa do quadril até os pés podendo dar uma impressão de até 5 kilos a menos, parece mentira, mais não é!!! A melhor opcão para o verão são os jeans coloridos e brutos, crus.
Outra tendência muito forte para estação é o Jeans slim alongando as pernas e passando a idéia de um corpo mais fino.
O vestido longo
Este será a grande deusa da estação, vestidos amplos porém decotados. Mais uma silueta que nos recorda os anos 70.
Tecidos leves, fluídos, e muito floral, decote em V bem acentuado e cortes largos na modelagem!

Gente desculpas mais não posso escrever so em português pois tenho recebido algumas reclamações de pessoas que não dominam o nosso idioma!!!
In english!!!!
The fashion, an eternal beginning again? This spring, it is the hippie influence that imposes itself: jeans flare, XXL dresses, embroideries, flowers, tye and die or compensated bloom. Then for 2008 that one must indeed to prick to the years 70?
The jean paws of eph'
Indisputable symbol of the amazed time, the "paw of éph" is often confounded with his/her/its near cousin and present successor, the jean flare. It is necessary to say that these two seem family's… A small air only, bus contrary to his/her/its ancestor, the flare balances the silhouette better; underlining the size and enlarging little by little, of the low of the buttocks (and no of the knees) until the feet, that he/it covers entirely. To the eyes of a slim, little difference between the two jeans yet, the flare, him, made us lose 5 kg easily therefore one adopts it at once, of preference raw or colorful version, in clear smart or funky for the summer. The paw of eph, the truth, carries itself under the condition to have a physical that lends itself of it (long legs nor too thin, nor too strong) and falling on the hips (yes, yes, here the low size it is permitted!).
The long dress
Big must of the season, do the dresses lie down endlessly and are going as far as touching soil when higher, do they let discovery a good part of the neckline... Again a silhouette that recalls the years 70 but how to adapt it? The all is going to be of 1 / to avoid the total Woodstock look while choosing an united cloth rather than die-hard in bloom and while scrambling the tracks with a small jacket made of leather or the funny accessories or baffled, 2 / to keep a semblance of silhouette while privileging the fluid matters, a marked chest (size empire, V neckline) and a very ample cut. One can why not to choose his/her/its dress a too big size but parks to drafts: outside of the beach one thinks about the short vest that will dress our bare collarbones marvellously.
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