domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

Estilo Nautico! Navy

Ainda este Verão, o mar inspira moda,

Amie da jaqueta de couro e do chicote cloutée (huhu!), Conhecido como o âncora talvez rock! Espírito tatuagem em muscular bíceps, o âncora é um símbolo potencialmente rock, e é o preferido tempo, por exemplo, impresso em uma Marcel cansado.

Reproduzíveis também característica vintage jóias! Âncoras como bússolas, bares e outros pequenos roda bóias irá tornar perfeito breloques após uma frigideira ou à volta do pulso.

Finalmente (minha favorita): âncora, ela exibe uma super kitsch chamativos tacadas de cores e de plástico. No pino em um colar ou como pequeno toque de absurdo para um desvio balneares naipe ou um vestido estilo pin-up dusted ... It's funny, atenção, como qualquer coisa boa, não podemos abusar dela!!!!


This summer yet, the sea inspires fashion and it is a tidal wave of anchors which ran aground in our wardrobes. Yes, anchors found, for example, the pull back of a silk tunic and cashmere at Berenice, sweat version bling-bling at Ecko Red or kitsch jewellery at Louis Vuitton!
Well, anchors ok, remains to be seen how much wear and adapt to each style. If the radius ready-to-wear, accustomed to crossing so far was in a rather chic and classic style: Marie-Chantale the beach or the bride of Captain Haddock version good chic bon genre (buttons gold bag, polo, etc.). So anchors version spring-summer 2008, it does what?
Amie's leather jacket and the whip cloutée (huhu!), Known as the anchor perhaps rock'n roll! Spirit tattoo on muscular biceps, the anchor is a symbol potentially rock and is the preferred time, for example, printed on a marcel tired.
Playable also feature vintage jewelry! Anchors such as compasses, bars and other small wheel buoys will make perfect breloques after a frying pan or around the wrist.
Finally (my favorite): anchor, it displays a super kitsch strokes of flashy colors and plastic. In pin on a necklace or as little touch of absurdity to detour a bathing suit or a dress pin-up style dusted ... It's funny, attention, like any good thing, we must not abuse it!

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